Sunday+1 & Covenant Sunday
Sunday+1 is an opportunity to take the next step in your spiritual journey and go beyond what we do on Sundays. Students are invited to discern how they may go deeper in faith in the following three ways and to make a commitment on Covenant Sunday that takes place in the early fall of each year.
Attend Sunday Mass regularly and pray with the campus Catholic community on Sundays.
Claim one other day of the week to be involved in some experience through Sheil to come alive in the love of Jesus with your campus Catholic community through vibrant worship, transformative learning, and prophetic justice. Discern which area (vibrant worship, transformative learning, and prophetic justice) you feel called to and on Covenant Sunday fill out a covenant form at Mass and a Sheil team member will reach out to talk through ways to engage the area you have discerned.
Give of your treasure, even a penny or hour of your time, to the campus Catholic community to support its mission to you and your fellow Wildcats every quarter.
Discern what you will do for your "+" this academic session. Are you feeling God call you towards participating more in worship, learning, or justice activities? Print the Discernment Guide here and use it in your prayer to discern where you are being called. If you would like help with your discernment, contact a Sheil team member here.
Options for Your "+":
Vibrant Worship
Opens an intentional space for encounter with God where we are seen, known, and loved. This communal experience of prayer draws us into relationship with one another and impels us forward to be the presence of Jesus.
Transformative Learning
Encompasses all of the ways we gain knowledge and grow in wisdom in order to deepen our relationship with God. It is always designed not just to engage the intellect and emotions, but to encourage both teacher and learner to discern and live out their personal call to missionary discipleship.
Prophetic Justice
Challenges us to live the Gospel mandate of loving God and neighbor and calls us to care for one another. In response to the empathy, compassion, and love we have received from Christ, we pour out our lives in radical service to realize the Kingdom of God in this world.
Companions on the Journey
The Sheil Catholic community at Northwestern University commits to walk alongside you on this journey through spiritual accompaniment, engaging experiences of faith, and intentional prayer.