Small Groups

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SmallGroups2023-Witness (6)

All are invited to join a Sheil small group to explore a particular area of the Catholic faith and meet other members of the community.  Ranging from bible studies to histories, each quarter there are new topics.

Fall Quarter Opportunities

Bible Reflections Group (open to all)
Wednesdays from 1:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m., every week, starting September 11 through December 11 at Sheil Catholic Center

Explore the scriptures! We are reading the Bible and reflecting on how it speaks to our lives. This is a "come when you can" group so no advance registration is necessary. Please send an email to Lisa Russ here and ask to be added to the Bible Reflections group email list so you are notified of the logistics for next meeting

Facilitators:  Sheil Associates Lisa Russ and Mary Brugliera